Farzana Beauty Med Spa


Signature Facial (60-75 min)

A customized, luxurious and intensive treatment that restores healthy, youthful and radiant skin. Farzana begins with a thorough evaluation of your skin so that she can customize your treatment and products towards your concerns. Next, medical-grade exfoliation using selected enzymes will apply to your skin. It removes dead surface skin cells, preparing the face for optimal cleansing and absorption of active ingredients. Then, the high-frequency treatment, which kills bacteria and calms inflammation, will be followed by an appropriate mask. After the hydration and soothing step, Farzana will finish by layering carefully selected organic serums, hydrators and massage the face to have you walking out looking and feeling your very best.

Dermaplaning (60 min)

Dermaplaning is a highly effective method of physical exfoliation that leaves your skin flawlessly smooth. It involves using an ultra-sharp scalpel to gently "shave" the surface of the skin - removing the top layer of dead skin cells and peach fuzz. It is completely painless, safe, quick and the results are immediate. Your complexion is left healthier brighter, smoother and clearer. Good for all skin types.



*Timing for the above treatment may vary depending on individual needs given one’s skin condition.